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Topic: "Move to group"


After we create a group, is there a way to highlight a player from the fool and click something that says "add to group" we've created for the day? As of now I have to type each one in manually. Is there an easier way or could there be an easier way?

Or to make it easier.

"Add everyone over 10000 to a group"

Add everyone below 10000 to a group"

Add everyone between 3000 and 7000 in a group"

something we can customize.

You can easily add everyone over $10,000 in salary to a group now or from a salary range to a group now. Just use the filter players and filter to the salary range you want. Then select add selected players to a group from the drop down menu on the upper left hand corner where you select and deselect players.

I understand what you are saying, and an update for groups and their creation is on the list of things to get done.

Thanks Dave, that's pretty much was all I needed.