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Topic: Exposures


I know you've explained this (a few times) in the past, but I still don't quite get the logic or reasoning.

I ran a crunch last night where I had Kevin Knox' exposure at 9%, but when the crunch finished running, he had been used in 38% of lineups. If you imagine each lineup as one "stock" in the evenings "portfolio," it's just unacceptable to put a guy at 9% exposure and have him come out in 38% of crunches. Once he gets to 9% of the total stated crunches, he has to be out of the player pool. And, if you can't create any more lineups based on the exposure (or any other settings I've used), than just stop the crunch and warn like you do in other situations.

Why can't exposure numbers be a cap and not a guideline?
