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Topic: Deleting crunches based upon lineup score


When I sometimes enter a multi-entry tournament, I like to create many more lineups that I really need to, to find the best scoring lineups based upon either your projections or my own that are uploaded. Even if I only need 20 lineups, I may create up to 500 lineups to narrow it down to the best 20. If I just said to create 20 or even 50 lineups, based upon my settings, it might not create the 20 highest scoring lineups. I would like to have the option after creating a large number of lineups, based upon the sort selected, you could simply say to delete all but the highest X number of lineups and it would remove all of the low-scoring lineups.

An extension of this concept would be to do this among crunches. If you have created 15-20 crunches for a particular contest, you could way to delete all crunches except the ones with the highest X number of lineups. Then you could merge these together to form the one set of lineups that you will export to a .CSV file.