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Topic: DK community guidelines adherence


In order to produce any lineups for DK now, you will need to input the number of lineups you want to produce and you will need to specify what metric you want to use when calculating the lineups. It will need to look something like this:

FantasyCruncher has always maintained its stance that we are software that enables users to build lineups the best way they see fit. We are not here to give any users premade lineups, the lineups made using our software are YOUR lineups, we do not endorse any user simply clicking a button and playing the first lineup spit out. Due to the nature of this industry and the many people selling lineups, it may be the case that some users confuse what we do with what they do. As a software developer it makes me sad to even need to clarify this and it makes me angry to be lumped in with the snake oil salesmen that I assume DK is really trying to weed out.

1. College Football added to it . If you guys need CFB projection i got some .

2. Stack report tool.

Seperating and making a stack tool will put you on top

QB/WR1 QB/WR1/WR1 Opposite team QB/RB RB/DEF ...ect . As well allowing to adjust it by ranking like value and top projected . Making it a way to implicate into your roster building.

3. putting DVOA instead of PPG allowed ect.. a better accuracy at Defense vs position .

4. more data such as target/ usage and other stuff.

It's fine so far I don't understand why you have to lock in a player are two get started with the optimizer

what am i doing wrong? after getting my pool, ownership percentages, adjusting unique players i press calculate and nothing is happening,

Please email for issues like this so we can better assist you.


What am I doing wrong? Why am I not in the top 5 when I use the lineups?

I am looking forward to getting back acclimated with fantasy cruncher. Will there be any articles on the summer league with breaking down nba lineups.

We do not provide content or projections for summer league.