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Topic: Newbie - Does the site include ownership projections


Ive only just gained Premium. I was hoping to see ownership projections, will this happen closer to the start of games.

It's possible we add ownership projections in the future, but we would not want to be lumped in the "projections suck" camp, because once you are, you don't get out. We could easily add bad ownership projections just to check the box, but developing quality ownership projection formulas would take some time and I only have so much of that. We may work with some partners to offer their ownership projections as an addon to FC in the future if we don't develop our own in-house.

I did want to add while we won't have ownership projections for all players we will have an article that comes out on Friday or Saturday that does discuss ownership for some key players.

Dude, we need ownership... IT really matters. It shouldn't be your preferences, we want it. :(

Providing information that is inaccurate is 10x worse than not providing the information at all.

The initial post is over two years old. We offer ownership projections with a Pro subscription.

Giannis is the man

What column is projected ownership?