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Topic: September 2018 Update - My Data


I'm sure you guys may have noticed we pushed out a rather substantial update yesterday. I wanted to get this live in your hands as soon as possible leading up to NFL, so you guys could test it out and we could find any little bugs that popped up. A big thank you to everyone who emailed in with any issues they found, I believe they have all been addressed at this point. As always if you guys ever find an issue with the site, please email us at and we will get the issues resolved asap.

This update was a major shift in the underlying code that will make several new things possible down the road, so I did expect a few growing pains, but I think it will all be worth it. Now onto the update rundown.


Upload Anything
You can now upload columns of data you want to see directly into FantasyCruncher. You could use this to upload multiple projection sets, ownership projections, or anything else you think that could be relevant. Once you have uploaded columns, the data will be visible in the main page and you can edit the data individually if you wish, just as you would edit a projection, exposure or randomness. Click on “Upload Data” to get to here:

Clicking on Add/Remove Column will allow you to add new columns to your data. Then you can paste in the data and upload.

Once you have uploaded Columns, you will need to refresh, then you will see the new column in your data.


Using My Data
So what can you do with this new data? Here are a few features we have added so far.

You can use your data to calculate lineups if you wish, this is useful if you are uploading multiple projection sets:

All the data you upload can also be displayed in the Lineups calculated by clicking the little gear icon in the top of a lineup card:

You can also sort the lineups by your data

You will find a new tab in the Advanced options “My Data”, from here you can add rules that will use your data to restrict the lineups created. A typical use case will be if you are uploading ownership projections and you would like each lineup to be within a certain range. We have decided not to provide Ownership projections at this time because if we are to provide them we want them to be highly accurate, this may be something we offer in the future. The 2 best sources we know of at this time that provide ownership projections are and Most other sources have been tested and proven to be fairly inaccurate.

We will continue to develop uses for mydata, and I think this opens up an entirely new world for us.


Page Load Speed
One of the Major code changes we worked on was how we load players when the page initially loads. We had an issue previously that when the playerpool was large, it would take a long time for the page to load and become usable. To get around this we used a feature some of you may be familiar with that would limit the players viewable to only players above a projection threshold (you can still see this setting in your profile, and it does still function).

With the new code, even an extremely large player pool should load within a few seconds (~3 - 5). This change will allow us to show more players in the pool, and we are looking to move in that direction, so you will always have a full playerpool at your fingertips.

While having all the players visible does not slow the page loading down, having all the players in your playerpool for calculations does slow the calculation down. This is due to the problem size becoming much larger and full of players who will not actually be used. To get around this issue, we have added a “Minimum value included in calc” setting. This is only for the 4 major sports where playerpools are large. Any player in your playerpool below this setting will not be considered during calculations unless they are locked. You can find the setting in your advanced options as seen here:


Other Additions

For NFL we have added the ability to set a unique player per lineup by position if desired. This could be used if for example you always wanted at least 1 unique WR in every lineup.

At the bottom of the page you will find an action menu, this is where you can reset your projections, copy (or download) the player list, or reset your thumbs.

This update took longer than I had anticipated but was critical to get right. Now that it is complete, it will be easier and faster to complete the next set of updates which I already have started. I think you guys will love the updates in store!

As always, please let us know if there is anything you love/hate or if you have any suggestions for additions you would like to see in the future at

This update is fantastic, thanks for always innovating. Two questions/comments:
1: I know you said you are not offering ownership projections at this time, but I would LOVE to see that as a feature. Honestly that's the only feature that you don't have that others do. I know it's difficult to get accurate, but honestly I think most people use it just to help identify chalk plays. I hope you would consider adding it sooner rather than later.
2: Is the "min val included in calc" the projection value or the value column (projection/salaryx1000)? Because as it stands for the NFL main slate you only have 19 players above 3x in the value column. It seems to still calculate using players below 3x value.

Again, great job! Updates like this will continue to keep you #1!

I know you said you are not offering ownership projections at this time, but I would LOVE to see that as a feature. Honestly that's the only feature that you don't have that others do. I know it's difficult to get accurate, but honestly I think most people use it just to help identify chalk plays. I hope you would consider adding it sooner rather than later.

Have you back tested the other sites that offer projections? The ones I have are pretty awful to the point of being completely unusable. It's possible we add projections in the future, but we would not want to be lumped in the "projections suck" camp, because once you are, you dont get out. We could easily add bad ownership projections just to check the box, but developing quality ownership projection formulas would take some time and I only have so much of that. We may work with some partners to offer their ownership projections as an addon to FC in the future if we don't develop our own in house.

Is the "min val included in calc" the projection value or the value column (projection/salaryx1000)? Because as it stands for the NFL main slate you only have 19 players above 3x in the value column. It seems to still calculate using players below 3x value.

No, this is the minimum value of the selected field when you click calculate. So if you are using Projections, then its minimum Projection, if you're using Ceiling, its minimum Ceiling and so on.

I think I will change the wording in the advanced options so it is not confused with the Value Column.

Hello... AWESOME update !!! The possibilities of the unlimited columns + the data conditions are literally endless. Thank you.
I do have a weird question / glitch / user error (?).
Today I've been playing with some ideas/strategies with the new features and have been loving it. However, I just noticed something strange that I can't figure out.
Using Fanduel MLB Cruncher I uploaded and additional column called 'own' , refreshed, etc..... and setup a basic 4x3 stack in stacks with a max number in the data options. Then I optimized using 'own' column instead of using projection column. looked great right! Sweet!...well then I noticed when I change minimum projection from 1 to 0 (i don't even know why i did this), i get completely different stacks/lineups when I re-crunch using the custom 'own' column. The weird thing is that none of the lineups are using players with projections of 0. So why would this change the optimized lineups?
I've played around with it, and really can't figure it out. The 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 doesn't change the lineup crunch results when using the projections column. only my custom 'own' column. And again, no 0 projected players are being used in the lineups so I can't figure it out. Thank you in advance - and I hope that was a clear explanation. I'm not always excellent at articulating details.

update: I've been able to recreate this several times now. i'm actually just wondering which is the real optimal crunches now. i'm going to switch my 'own' column to my projections and see.

Hello... AWESOME update !!! The possibilities of the unlimited columns + the data conditions are literally endless. Thank you.
I do have a weird question / glitch / user error (?).
Today I've been playing with some ideas/strategies with the new features and have been loving it. However, I just noticed something strange that I can't figure out.
Using Fanduel MLB Cruncher I uploaded and additional column called 'own' , refreshed, etc..... and setup a basic 4x3 stack in stacks with a max number in the data options. Then I optimized using 'own' column instead of using projection column. looked great right! Sweet!...well then I noticed when I change minimum projection from 1 to 0 (i don't even know why i did this), i get completely different stacks/lineups when I re-crunch using the custom 'own' column. The weird thing is that none of the lineups are using players with projections of 0. So why would this change the optimized lineups?
I've played around with it, and really can't figure it out. The 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 doesn't change the lineup crunch results when using the projections column. only my custom 'own' column. And again, no 0 projected players are being used in the lineups so I can't figure it out. Thank you in advance - and I hope that was a clear explanation. I'm not always excellent at articulating details.

update: I've been able to recreate this several times now. i'm actually just wondering which is the real optimal crunches now. i'm going to switch my 'own' column to my projections and see.

Can you email with this info. May need some more details so we can recreate and see what's happening. I could not reproduce just now in a simple test, so there is probably something Im missing.