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Topic: CSV Exporting


CSV Exporting works with Fanduel, Draftkings and FantasyDraft. The process is nearly identical for all sites and consists of:

1. Make Lineups on Fantasy Cruncher
2. Download a CSV File from Fantasy Cruncher
3. Upload that file to Fanduel / Draftkings / FantasyDraft

Here is a video that goes over the process in more detail:


I was wondering if there is a way to export my entire inventory including price, description, and all that as a CSV file?


When I try to go to the youtube site link that's posted, it takes me right back to this page. Is there a link that takes you to the you tube video?

You can find our full library of videos including updated ones at FantasyCruncher (.com) / Videos

Sorry, it wouldn't let me type that as a full URL as I haven't made enough Forum posts, apparently :lol: