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Topic: DK allows lineups edit/replace using CSV :D:D:D:


Just going through it right now and will try it tonight.

This will be a great help for multi entry. I am excited to marry my process with FC to this new method.

Just going through it right now and will try it tonight.

This will be a great help for multi entry. I am excited to marry my process with FC to this new method.

Can someone make a walk-through for using FC to edit the lineups? I have never attempted to mass-edit lineups in the past. I see the file that you download from DK is titled "DKEntries.csv" or DKEntries(1).csv and so forth. How do I get my FC lineups to export to the DKEntries.csv and replace the existing lineups on that particular csv? Any help would be much appreciated as I am not very computer savvy at all :(

Thank you!

Can anyone help please? Thank you.

Once you have the DKEntries.csv open it and you should see all your current entries.

Create lineups in FC and then choose export to CSV.

Open the crunch.csv and copy the lineups inside (dont need the positions.

Lastly paste those new lineups from crunch.csv in DKEntries.csv

Save DKEntries.csv and upload to draftkings using the edit lineups button instead of upload lineups

It works very well. Was able to swap out 50 lineups with less than 3 mins to go lock yesterday turbo slate

Thanks for the help, but it didn't work. I tried desperately for 15 minutes until lineup lock and kept getting an error: "Incorrect player position header for sport". I only copy and pasted the players and nothing else, so I don't know what went wrong. There goes 100 more lineups down the drain :(

Can FC just make it so you can upload the DK csv to FC, save your new FC created lineups on it via a "Save" button, and then we can just upload it back to DK without having to copy and paste stuff? No idea if this is possible, just throwing it out there.

Live saver!!! Thanks sangamc!