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Can we get the two other pitchers loaded to the optimizer, currently only Kershaw and Wilson available to select. Thanks.

why does assists per game only show for lineup rewind and not for actual game day optimizer? can we get this fixed?

For example ill create 30 lineups and half of them will be duplicates. this never happened before, somebody please help

Does anybody know this salary change time frame? Is it using salary chasnge over a day? a week?

Posted Topic: Website Update


The recent updates have slowed down the website a great deal. im taking a longer time getting in and out projecting, loading lineups, etc... Please fix this.... how to mass remove projections youve made?

found it thanks!


Can you give a more detailed description? Do i put those pitchers in a group?

How to automatically make a 8 lineups with 8 different pitcher without having to lock each pitcher?

The actual score has not updated with real data from last night

Posted Topic: Player Salary


Salary isn’t working properly on fan duel players salary is greatly increased.

I uploaded projection and I receive an error message while trying to remove. Please help, thanks.

Overtime i try to upload my own projections for these two player in particular it always rejects as if they are off but every other player is fine. Can anyone help on this?