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Good job guys!

Good job guys! Keep it up!

We have pushed out a pretty substantial update this morning, there was a ton of work done under the hood which will help us to improve things moving forward, and should make things run a little smoother. There is definitely an edge here in using FireFox, Chrome for some reason just does not run as quickly for calculations. I encourage you to try using FantasyCruncher on Firefox if you do not already.

Most of the visible changes were made to the crunched lineups section, here are some of the new features:

  • Ability to remove lineups from a crunched set.

  • Ability to calculate more teams that will be added to the tab you are currently working in. This will use your current settings, but will not duplicate teams even if they have been deleted. You can do things like, lock a player or remove a player and calculate more teams, which will adjust your exposure numbers.

  • Easier access to the Save/Delete lineups.

  • Fixed tabbed header, that will remain at the top of your screen.

  • Filtering Lineups. In the Players used list, you can click on a magnifying glass icon to filter (see) all the lineups with this particular player. If you hold the [Shift] button when you click multiple names, it will find lineups that have ANY of the players selected. If you hold the [Ctrl] button when you click, you can filter lineups that include ALL of the selected players. So if you want to see lineups that include Steph Curry AND Klay Thompson, for example.

  • Save/Delete multiple lineups at once under the 'Show Crunch Tools' menu.

If you have any comments, or questions please let us know!

It's luck that wins you can come up with every way possible to win. If a great player or players have a bad game then your done. If a bad player has a great game the you can be in. I like this site and it will pay off in the long run I'm sure. Great job with this site guys!